Selected articles related to NCRGE projects

Anthamatten, P., Bryant, L., Ferrucci, B., Jennings, S., & Theobald, R. (2018). Giant maps as pedagogical tools for teaching geography and mathematics. Journal of Geography,

Boehm, R.G., Solem, M., Zadrozny, J. (2018). The Rise of Powerful Geography. The Social Studies, 109(2): 125-125.

Choi, Y. (2021). Geography achievement and Opportunity to Learn: A focus on computer and educational technology, Journal of Geography, DOI: 10.1080/00221341.2021.2000010

Huynh, N., Solem, M., & Bednarz, S. (2014). A Road Map for Learning Progressions Research in Geography, Journal of Geography, 114 (2): 69-79.

Journal of Geography special issue on “Learning Progressions and Place”, 2018, Vol 117, Issue 3.

Lambert, D., Solem, M., & Tani, S. (2015). Achieving human potential through geography education: a capabilities approach to curriculum making in schools. Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 105(4): 723-735.

Lambert, D., & Solem, M. (2017). Rediscovering the teaching of geography with the focus on quality. Geographical Education, 30: 8-15.

Larsen, T.B. & Solem, M. (2022) Conveying the Applications and Relevance of the Powerful Geography Approach through Humanitarian Mapping, The Geography Teacher, 19:1, 43-49, DOI: 10.1080/19338341.2021.2008470

Makowsky, M. & Martin, Z. (2021). Geography Achievement and Opportunity to Learn: A Focus on the Attitudes of Teachers and Students, Journal of Geography, DOI: 10.1080/00221341.2021.2000011

Oda, K., Herman, T., & Hasan, A. (2019). Properties and Impacts of TPACK-Based GIS Professional Development for in-Service Teachers. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, DOI: 10.1080/10382046.2019.1657675

Paulus, L. & Nolan, K. (2021) Geography achievement and Opportunity to Learn: A focus on curriculum organization and content, Journal of Geography, DOI: 10.1080/00221341.2021.2001030

Rueschhoff, J. & Palma, H. (2021): Geography Achievement and Opportunity to Learn: A Focus on Teacher Quality, Journal of Geography, DOI: 10.1080/00221341.2021.2005667

Solem, M. & Boehm, R.G. (2018). Research in geography education: moving from declarations and road maps to actions. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 27(3): 191-198. View ePrint.

Solem, M., & Boehm, R.G. (2017). Transformative Research in Geography Education: The Role of a Research Coordination Network, The Professional Geographer. View ePrint.

Solem, M. & Stoltman, J. (2020) The NAEP Geography Assessment: Will It Come Back?, Journal of Geography, DOI: 10.1080/00221341.2020.1773903

Solem, M., Stoltman, J., Lane, R., Bourke, T., Chang, C., and Viehrig, K. (2018). An Assessment Framework and Methodology for a Trends in International Geography Assessment Study (TIGAS). Geographical Education, 31: 7-15.

Solem, M., Vaughan, P., Savage, C., & De Nadai, A.S. (2021). Student- and school-level predictors of geography achievement in the United States, 1994 – 2018. Journal of Geography. Open Access.

Solem, M. (2022). The NAEP Data Explorer: Digging Deeper into K-12 Geography Achievement and Why It Matters, The Geography Teacher, 19(1): 12-21. E-print.

Solem, M. (2022). The National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP): A Closer Look at US Gaps and Trends in Geography Achievement. In: Bourke T., Mills R., Lane R. (eds) Assessment in Geographical Education: An International Perspective. Key Challenges in Geography (EUROGEO Book Series). Springer, Cham.

Solem, M. and Vaughan, P.W. (2023). Factors that Affect Student Outcomes in U.S. Geography Education. Annals of the American Association of Geographers. Open Access.

Solem, M. and Vaughan, P.W. (2024). Reducing Inequality in Student Outcomes in U.S. Geography Education: The Importance of Understanding Student Attitudes. Education Sciences, 14(1), 9;

Solem, M. (2022) Geography Achievement and Future Geographers, The Professional Geographer, DOI: 10.1080/00330124.2022.2081227. Open Access.

Summers, E. J., Zadrozny, J., Van Overschelde, J. P., Huynh, N. T., Solem, M, & Boehm , R, G. (2017). Integrating geospatial technology in pre-service teacher training programs. Research in Geographic Education, 19(1): 102-126.

Walkington, H., Dyer, S., Solem, M., Haigh, M., Waddington, S. (2018). A Capabilities Approach to Higher Education: Geocapabilities and implications for geography curricula, Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 42(1), 7-24.


Research in Geographic Education

  • Volume 19, No. 2 features articles by the 2016 recipients of transformative research grants from NCRGE.
  • Volume 20, No. 1 features articles by the 2017 recipients of transformative research grants from NCRGE.
  • Volume 21, No. 2 features articles by the 2018 recipients of transformative research grants from NCRGE.



Learning Progressions for Maps, Geospatial Technology, and Spatial Thinking: A Research Handbook

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Learning Progressions in Geography Education: International Perspectives

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